Eye On L.A.: Whale and Dolphin Safari

This video footage was provided by http://www.dolphinsafari.com.

Join Captain Dave Anderson for a dolphin and whale safari like no other.

            How I wish I was in the Yatch with Captain Dave Anderson on this video and joining the kids in an eye-to-eye underwater viewing POD. When I saw this video it strikes on my mind that how grateful and lucky the people and kids in the Yatch, enjoying watching the whales and bottlenose dolphins. In my whole life I haven't experience seeing real dolphins, but I really, really, really love them. Wishing to have this kind of experience like on this video.
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Dolphin Tale Movie

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Dolphin Tale is an upcoming drama film directed by Charles Martin Smith from a screenplay by Karen Janszen and starring Harry Connick Jr., Ashley Judd and Morgan Freeman. The film is inspired by the true story of a bottlenose dolphin named Winter who was rescued off the coast and taken in by the Clear water Marine Aquarium.
It is set for release on September 23, 2011 in North America by Warner Bros. Pictures. The film will also be released in 3D.
A young boy befriends Winter, an injured bottlenose dolphin who lost her tail in a crab trap, and motivates everyone around him to help save the dolphin by creating a prosthetic appendage to replace the dolphin's missing tail. Harry Connick Jr. plays a vet who rescues the mammal and brings her to the marine hospital he runs. Ashley Judd plays the boy's mother while Morgan Freeman is a doctor who creates a prosthetic limb for Winter.
  • Nathan Gamble as Sawyer
  • Harry Connick Jr. as Clay Haskett
  • Ashley Judd as Lorraine Nelson
  • Morgan Freeman as Dr. McCarthy
  • Cozi Zuehlsdorff as Hazel Haskett
  • Kurt Yaeger as Tim
  • Austin Stowell as Kyle
  • Austin Highsmith as Phoebe
  • Jim Fitzpatrick as Max
  • Marc Macaulay as John Fitch
  • Rus Blackwell as Coach Vansky
  • Michael Roark as Donovan Peck
  • Juliana Harkavy as Rebecca
  • Kris Kristofferson as Haskett's Dad
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Dolphins (Calderon) Watch

When I saw this pictures, my heart is aching and my hands are shaking. I want to punch those people who are involved in this kind of harassment to my beloved Dolphins (Calderon).
This is very disgusting!!! I hate you guys!!! Please don't do this again, I am begging you guys.
(I just only copy this words from Driftsurfing.Eu to campaign this kind of cruelty in Denmark)

My morning ritual at Drift HQ usually involves wading through a load of email which has arrived overnight. Imagine how I felt when I opened this one. I had just finished writing up the Nixon art mosh in Paris, which made me feel all enthusiastic about life… then this shows up.
When I saw this pictures, my heart is aching and my hands are shaking. I want to punch those people who are involved in this kind of harassment to my beloved Dolphins (Calderon).
Now, it’s one of those chain emails which our photographer, Jamie had sent through. So I don’t have a whole load of specific detail about what’s going on, so I’ll just try to paraphrase the words in the email for you. I’m not even sure who’s words these are, but if you read this, whoever you are, good on you for sending it around. (If you know who originally sent it around, please ask them to get in touch.)

It’s because of the cruelty that the human beings (civilised human) kill hundreds of the famous and intelligent Calderon dolphins. This happens every year in Feroe Iland in Denmark. In this slaughter the main participants are young teens. WHY? To show that they are adults and mature…. BULLSHIT!!!!!!

In this big celebration, nothing is missing for the fun. Everyone is participating in one way or the other, killing or looking at the cruelty “supporting like a spectator”.

Is it necessary to mention that the dolphin Calderon, like all the other species of dolphins, it’s near extinction and they get near men to play and interact. In a way of PURE friendship.

They don’t die instantly; they are cut 1, 2 or 3 times with thick hocks. And at that time the dolphins produce a grim cry of a new born child.

They suffer and there’s no compassion till this sweet mamal slowly dies in its own blood.

Its enough! We will keep sending this mail until it creates enough world-wide reaction of disgust and horror to end this sensless slaughter. Please don’t just read this …..That would make us accomplices. ACT NOW AND HELP TO DEFEND THESE HELPLESS CREATURES.

Take care of the world, it is your home!
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Bottlenose Dolphin Awareness

Be dolphin aware this season - HEPCA News

Bottlenose dolphins are alluring, enchanting animals that seduce the many visitors to the Red Sea every year. These social creatures often approach humans to jest and play, whilst tourists shriek with joy as dolphins approach them and leap out of the water. It is a true thrill to see a smiling dolphin splashing the water with their fluke (tail fin) but sadly this reaction is often misinterpreted – rather than an expression of pleasure, this is a warning sign within the dolphin community and means they are feeling threatened.
With dolphins being one of the major attractions here in the Red Sea, more and more operators are offering trips to see dolphins during the day. Dolphins are found in sheltered bays during the day recuperating after a long night of fishing; this is their valuable sleeping time, which is particularly important for calves that struggle to keep up with adults during the night if they are not well rested. More and more, stressed dolphins are found to be pressured into heading out to open sea during the day time, leaving their safe rest zones and increasing their potential exposure to predators.
Please be dolphin aware this season:
* Do not feed dolphins. Feeding any animal in the wild is prohibited by law in Egypt; it can potentially reduce an animal’s ability to survive in the wild as they become dependent on human feeding.
* Do not touch dolphins. Touching a dolphin can be a method of disease transmission; both fungal and viral diseases can potentially be transmitted both ways.
* Do not follow dolphins. If a pod of dolphins or an individual swims away from you, get the point that they aren’t in a social mood; they probably need to rest.
* Never drive a boat through a pod of dolphins or chase them in the water! Some areas stipulate that boats and watercraft cannot approach a dolphin to within 20m.
* Do not make loud noises or banging sounds to attract dolphins. Loud noises are very disturbing to dolphins; they increase their stress levels and make them feel threatened. It also doesn’t work!
* If you ever do meet a dolphin or pod in the wild, don’t swim directly at them; swim parallel to them and if they want to play they will approach you.
Finally, encourage others also to be dolphin aware. If you see anyone else doing any of these don’ts please explain to them how harmful this is to the dolphin community, and also to the future of the tourism industry of the Red Sea. Long may the dolphins swim free here.
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In Love With Bottlenose Dolphins


My Cutie Pie
Dolphins are intelligent, fun and exceptionally cute. That’s why I really love dolphins.  They are also very social and affectionate, especially if you treat one right. That’s the important thing that you have to do when you want to have a dolphin or pet. You must treat them right and as a member of the family. If you ever have the good luck to take care of a dolphin, a few simple steps will make your job easier.

Step 1.
Make sure you have a big enough tank or pool in which to house the dolphin. It has to be large enough for the dolphin to freely swim, play and thrive. Also install an adequate filtering system to remove bacteria and debris and remove the chlorine from the water so it will not hurt or kill the intelligent beasts.

Step 2.
Ensure you have high walls surrounding the tank and enough room so dolphins can jump up out of the water, as they are commonly known to do. Also make sure the surface area of the pool is unobstructed and clean so they have fresh air to breathe when they come up for more oxygen.

Step 3.
Feed your dolphin fish, squid and small crustaceans, like shrimp. An adult dolphin should eat about 5 percent of his body weight per day. Break up the feeding into two sessions and schedule them for the same time every day, so the dolphin gets into the habit and knows when to expect his meals.

Step 4.
Keep him active. Dolphins love to play. To help him in this endeavor, you can stock the pool with beach balls, underwater hoops and other obstacle courses for the dolphin to swim through. You can hook up your own with solid, plastic hoops and tunnels, just make sure they are big enough for a dolphin to swim through so he does not get stuck.

Step 5.
Give him plenty of attention. Dolphins are very social animals, living in pods in the wild, and love to interact, even with humans. Swim with him, splash with him and encourage his antics. Dolphins also communicate through clicking noises, so pay extra attention when he is emitting such sounds.
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